As the weather starts to warm up, it’s time for some outdoor backyard fun! Let’s see who can make the biggest bubbles ever with this homemade recipe. WHAT YOU’LL NEED -A medium sized baking tray -1 cup of corn syrup -1 ⅓ cups of concentrated dish soap -6 cups of water -Straws -Yarn -Scissors INSTRUCTIONS […]
How adorable are these rock people huddled up, cozy near their campfire! They could make a cute gift for anyone. WHAT YOU’LL NEED -Super Glue -Acrylic paint -Paint brush -Tea light candles – Natural Stone Black Pebbles INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pick out three to five small pebbles and one large pebble. (Small pebble quantities are dependent […]
Delicious, pumkinlicious pretzels are the perfect way to treat your kids this Halloween. INGREDIENTS 450 grams of white melting chocolate Orange food colouring 1 Bag of tiny twist pretzels Green M&Ms DIRECTIONS 1.Heat the melting chocolate according to package directions. 2.Add food colouring until chocolate is desired tint of orange. 3.Dip pretzels in chocolate, remove […]
Your kids can go exploring with this DIY under the sea – eye spy. Use your torch to uncover the different marine life. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Black paper Plain white A4 paper Zip Lock Bag (medium to large) Coloured pencils Coloured permanent markers Scissors INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Using your permanent markers, start drawing your under […]
Get the whole family involved by holding your very own origami jumping frog race. To start making your origami jumping frogs, you will need to begin with a square piece of paper. You can cut a square from an A4 sheet of paper. See instructions below. Now it’s time to start folding your origami jumping […]
Your kids can hold their very own puppet show with these DIY animal puppets. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Scissors Three bendy straws Paper Coloured pencils A paper cup A paper cup HOW TO MAKE YOUR PUPPET Step 1. Tape your three bendy straws together at one end. Step 2. Trim the two straws on either side […]
Prepare yourself for some glittery fun . Your kids are going to love you for this! Plus, you can make a variety of different colours. Ingredients 1 Elmer’s Glitter Glue 1 Cup Water 1 tsp. Borax 1 Tb Water Instructions 1. Mix 1 tsp. Borax and 1 Cup water together. 2. Empty the Glitter Glue […]
We’ve found the easiest and coolest way to bring the universe in a jar. It’s also perfect for your little ones if they’re afraid of the dark. They’ll love creating this and adding their own unique designs. Come night time, their rooms will come to life! Materials: – Mason Jars or any glass jar – […]
Kid’s get bored so easily whilst being full of energy. This at home DIY maze will keep them entertained for a few hours. Not to mention it’s a great way to keep the kid’s active whilst in the comfort of their own home. All you need is some crepe paper (streamer paper) and some masking […]
KEY WIND CHIMES Materials -Some old keys (4 – 5) -A stick -String or fishing line -Optional: Acrylic paint or old nail polish NAUGHTS AND CROSSES Materials -Acrylic paint (old nail polish can be used as an alternative) -Cut piece of wood (a few sticks can be used as an alternative) -Assorted rocks or pebbles […]