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Nov 30
Classic Roast Turkey

Our tenants from Poultry Creations have been kind enough to share their classic Roast Turkey Recipe. Ingredients: • 4kg Free-Range Turkey⠀ • 2 tbs lemon juice⠀ • 3 onions, finely chopped⠀ • 2 carrots, finely chopped⠀ • 4 sticks celery, finely chopped⠀ • ½ bunch parsley, finely chopped⠀ • 80g butter, softened⠀ • 1 lemon […]

Nov 30
Twine Ball Ornament

Add a personal touch to your Christmas tree with a handmade twine ball ornament. WHAT YOU’LL NEED -A few rolls of twine -White yarn (optional) – Craft glue or Mod Podge – Christmas bells (optional gold or silver) -Plaid Ribbon (optional) -Glass bowl -Balloons DIRECTIONS 1. Blow up your balloons to the size you want […]

Nov 30
Pom-pom Pinecone Ornament

Your tree can never have too many ornaments. These pinecone pom-pom ornaments are very simple to make and we are sure your kids will enjoy making them. WHAT YOU’LL NEED -Assorted pom-poms -A pinecone -Twine or string –Craft Glue DIRECTIONS 1.With a small dash of craft glue, dip the pom-poms into the glue. 2.Place the […]

Oct 08
How to make big bubbles

As the weather starts to warm up, it’s time for some outdoor backyard fun! Let’s see who can make the biggest bubbles ever with this homemade recipe. WHAT YOU’LL NEED -A medium sized baking tray -1 cup of corn syrup -1 ⅓ cups of concentrated dish soap -6 cups of water -Straws -Yarn -Scissors INSTRUCTIONS […]

Oct 08
Rock People Candle Holder

How adorable are these rock people huddled up, cozy near their campfire! They could make a cute gift for anyone. WHAT YOU’LL NEED -Super Glue -Acrylic paint -Paint brush -Tea light candles – Natural Stone Black Pebbles INSTRUCTIONS 1. Pick out three to five small pebbles and one large pebble. (Small pebble quantities are dependent […]

Oct 06
Pumpkin Pretzel

Delicious, pumkinlicious pretzels are the perfect way to treat your kids this Halloween. INGREDIENTS 450 grams of white melting chocolate Orange food colouring 1 Bag of tiny twist pretzels Green M&Ms DIRECTIONS 1.Heat the melting chocolate according to package directions. 2.Add food colouring until chocolate is desired tint of orange. 3.Dip pretzels in chocolate, remove […]

Oct 06
50th Birthday Highlights

Check out some of our highlights for the Preston Market Iso 50th Birthday Facebook Event. We would like to thank all our fellow prestonians for sharing their treasured memories and photos. “When I went to get my own place the market was one of the selling points of Preston!” “Keep up the good work all […]

Sep 12
Under the sea – Eye spy

Your kids can go exploring with this DIY under the sea – eye spy. Use your torch to uncover the different marine life. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Black paper Plain white A4 paper Zip Lock Bag (medium to large) Coloured pencils Coloured permanent markers Scissors INSTRUCTIONS Step 1.  Using your permanent markers, start drawing your under […]

Sep 08
Origami Jumping Frogs

Get the whole family involved by holding your very own origami jumping frog race. To start making your origami jumping frogs, you will need to begin with a square piece of paper. You can cut a square from an A4 sheet of paper. See instructions below. Now it’s time to start folding your origami jumping […]

Sep 08
Animal Puppets

Your kids can hold their very own puppet show with these DIY animal puppets. WHAT YOU’LL NEED Scissors Three bendy straws Paper Coloured pencils A paper cup A paper cup HOW TO MAKE YOUR PUPPET Step 1. Tape your three bendy straws together at one end. Step 2. Trim the two straws on either side […]